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进阶职业1:诡术师 Arcane Trickster


Few can match the guile and craftiness of arcane tricksters. These prodigious thieves blend the subtlest aspects of the arcane with the natural cunning of the bandit and the scoundrel, using spells to enhance their natural thieving abilities. Arcane tricksters can pick locks, disarm traps, and lift purses from a safe distance using their magical legerdemain, and as often as not seek humiliation as a goal to triumph over their foes than more violent solutions.

很少有人能比得上诡术师 Arcane Trickster的狡诈和奇诡。这些奇异的盗贼将最微妙的秘术与盗贼的狡猾结合在一起,使用法术来增强他们与生俱来的偷窃能力。

诡术师 Arcane Trickster拥有撬锁,解除陷阱,一定安全距离的扒窃戏法等技能。相较于暴力,他们往往倾向于用不羞辱对方的方式来解决问题。

The path to becoming an arcane trickster is a natural progression for rogues who have supplemented their talents for theft with the study of the arcane. Multiclass rogue/sorcerers and rogue/bards are the most common arcane tricksters, although other combinations are possible. Arcane tricksters are most often found in large, cosmopolitan cities where their talents for magical larceny can be most effectively put to use, prowling the streets and stealing from the unwary.

诡术师 (Arcane Trickster),可由盗贼辅修法术进阶而成。尽管其它职业组合也可以,但是兼职的盗贼/术士,或者盗贼/诗人成为诡术师则更为常见。

诡术师 (Arcane Trickster)最常出现在大的、世界性的城市,毕竟那里才是他们大展手脚之地,游荡于集市,趁人不备而探囊取物。

进阶职业2:龙脉术士 Dragon Disciple


As some of the most ancient, powerful, and capricious creatures in existence, dragons occasionally enter into trysts with unsuspecting mortals or sire offspring with exceptional inpiduals. Likewise, the great power wielded by these creatures has long intrigued wizards and alchemists who have sought various magical methods to infuse their bodies with draconic power. As a result, the blood of dragons runs through the veins of many races. For some, this heritage manifests as a sorcerous bloodline and a predilection for magic; for others, however, the power of their draconic ancestors becomes an obsession.


Spellcasters who embrace their draconic heritage and learn to channel their abilities can become dragon disciples, fearsome warriors who possess not only the repertoire of an accomplished sorcerer but also the ability to unleash the furious power of dragons upon their foes. As dragon disciples discover the power of their forebears, they can learn to breathe fire, take flight on leathery wings, and—at the pinnacle of their abilities—assume the form of a dragon. Although they are rare, dragon disciples can be found in any land where dragons interact with mortals.

施法者拥抱他们的龙族血统并学会引导其能力,可以成为龙脉术士 。他们是可怕的战士,不仅拥有娴熟术士的完备技能,而且能释放狂龙之力御敌。当龙脉术士掌握了体内的先祖之力时,就可以学会火焰呼吸,展翅翱翔,并且-在他们能力的顶峰-幻化成龙。虽然龙脉术士很稀少,但龙与凡人交互之地,略可寻觅其踪迹。

进阶职业3:奥法骑士 Eldritch Knight


Fearsome warriors and spellcasters, eldritch knights are rare among magic-users in their ability to wade into battle alongside fighters, barbarians, and other martial classes. Those who must face eldritch knights in combat fear them greatly, for their versatility on the battlefield is tremendous; against heavily armed and armored opponents they may level crippling spells, while opposing spellcasters meet their ends on an eldritch knight's blade.

Because the road to becoming an eldritch knight requires both martial prowess and arcane power, eldritch knights almost always begin their paths as multiclassed characters, such as fighter/wizards or ranger/sorcerers. They may be found wherever studies of the arcane are as prevalent as martial training.


进阶职业4:秘术师 Mystic Theurge


Mystic theurges place no boundaries on their magical abilities and find no irreconcilable paradox in devotion to the arcane as well as the pine. They seek magic in all of its forms, finding no reason or logic in denying themselves instruction by limiting their knowledge to one stifling paradigm, though many are simply hungry for limitless power. No matter what their motivations, mystic theurges believe that perception is reality, and through the pine forces and astral energies of the multiverse, that perception can be used to manipulate and control not only the nature of this reality, but destiny itself.Mystic theurges are drawn from multiclass spellcasters who can already cast both arcane and pine spells, and the powers that they gain increase their mastery over both.

秘术师 Mystic Theurge 的魔法能力高深莫测,在对奥术和神圣法术的奉献中也没有发现不可调和的悖论。他们寻求各种形式的魔法,找不到任何理由或逻辑拒绝将他们的知识限制在一个封闭的领域,尽管许多人只是渴望无限的力量。不管他们的动机是什么,秘术师都认为感知即是现实,通过神圣法术和奥术,这种感知不仅可以用来操纵和控制这一现实的本质,也可以用来控制命运本身。


进阶职业5:坚定卫士 Stalwart Defender



Drawn from the ranks of guards, knights, mercenaries, and thugs alike, stalwart defenders are masters of claiming an area and refusing to relinquish it. This behavior is more than a tactical decision for stalwart defenders; it's an obsessive, stubborn expression of the need to be undefeated. When stalwart defenders set themselves in a defensive stance, they place their whole effort into weathering whatever foe, conflict, or threat comes their way.

Most stalwart defenders come from the ranks of fighters, often those desiring to be better guards for friends and allies. Dwarves are particularly suited to the role, though stalwart defenders of all races exist. More rarely, barbarians take the path of the stalwart defender as a matter of pride, to overcome some perceived shortcoming. Such characters often seem to suffer from dual personalities, flinging themselves recklessly into combat one moment, then calmly fending off all attackers the next.











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