关于PAL SMITE技能的一些资料显示。Things that work with smite:
Crushing blow (这个K CD就很明显)
Chance to cast something on striking (如利用攻击引发的其它攻击技能效果, X% to cast LVL XX chain lightning)
Hit blinds target (PVP好像无效)
Hit freezes target (穿iceblink或其它110物品)
Open Wounds (很多物品上有)
Enhanced Damage (这里指的是放在衣服/帽子/盾牌上的JEW,还有盾牌的ED MOD)
+Damage modifier on the Redeemer (unique Mighty Scepter) and Astreon's Iron Ward (unique Caduceus) (注意这个,留意下面解释)
Curses such as Life Tap, Amplify Damage... (武器上的,还有110的暗金手套, exile等)
Things that won’t work with smite:
Life or Mana leech (这个大家都知道了)
Deadly Strike (纯smiter来说,大君作用不很明显了)
Elemental Damage (别用PD SC)
+Max/Min Damage (注意JEW的价值了)
这段是最重要的 :
110里面, 有两个新的PAL用权杖,一个忏悔者,一个是什么阿士特龙的XX,这两个东西,都有一个MOD,就是damage + XX
忏悔者 : 60-120
阿士特龙 : 40-85
作为一个SMITER,手中拿一个120 MAX伤害的忏悔者/或一个85 MAX伤害4SKILL的阿士特龙(虽然它在速度上面比不上silence phase blade),其能产生的PVP作用可能是非常惊人的。
The +damage modifier is specially useful in PvP, since it adds the straight amount of damage indicated (it won't be displayed in the character screen) to your attack, without being affected by the PvP penalty, Damage Reduction...