在此次公布的这是我的战争 多种选项修改CE脚本中包含众多有关游戏许多重要属性的脚本。包括多种选项属性在内的各项修改数据都有着很高的可塑性。在这一个版本的CE脚本中也着重突出了技能点属性。为玩家的个性化修改给出了更为全面的自由体现。能够在战斗过程中有极好的表现。
1. Day Time. 白天时间锁定
"Day Time Set to 0?" will set Day Time to 0.
修改器第一项点开后,将"Day Time Set to 0?"这项由0:NO 改为 1:YES,之后要打开Day Time Base Address Scan (To Update: Day)这个选项
2. Night Time. 晚间时间锁定
"Night Time Set to 0?" will set Night Time to 0.
修改器第一项点开后,将"Night Time Set to 0?"这项由0:NO 改为 1:YES,之后要打开Night Time Base Address Scan (To Update: Night)这个选项
3. Day.
Allows Day to be modfied.
4. Making most components in massive quantities.
There are 5 Stages in this example.
Stage 1 - Preparation.
A. Get 2 Wood.
B. Make sure nothing is being made including placeables like beds, chairs, and items.
Stage 2 - Making components consume no components when being made.
A. Activate "Make Interface Base Address Scan Initialization (Activate This First)".
B. Activate "Make Interface Base Address Scan (To Update: Make Interface Select Item)".
C. Enable "Make Inventory Items Quantity Set to -1? (Use only when making components)".
D. This makes the production item quantity -1, which has the side effect of not consuming components.
Stage 3 - Select the desired component to be made.
A. Activate "Make Progress Base Address Scan Initialization (Activate This First)".
B. Enable "Make Progress Update Base Address?".
C. Go to the Workshop, make Fuel, and pause the game.
D. Activate "Make Progress Stats".
E. Modify "Make Item ID" value and select the desired component example "59 : Jewelry".
F. This will start continuously making the desired component.
G. Pickup components doesn't go directly into inventory, and have to be separately picked up.
AB照选项打开,去工作台作燃料(需要制造中跳出修改),然后照D步骤打开选项,Make Item ID这栏可以修改成任何你想要的物品,然后就会自动连续生产,等个10秒左右就可以去表中选取其他需要的物品。
Stage 4 - Getting massive quantities.
A. Enable "Make Progress Set to Instant Complete?". This will speed up and make massive quantities of the desired component in seconds.
Stage 5 - Ending.
A. After getting all the desired components, to stop, pause the game.
B. Disable "Make Progress Set to Instant Complete?" to allow enough time for the Cancel button to show up.
C. Disable "Make Inventory Items Quantity Set to -1? (Use only when making components)".
D. Unpause the game and cancel the making process.